How your Website Can Rank on No.1 Position in SERP- SEO Company Noida

If you have a business website and you want to rank on 1st position in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP), then you should read this blog till the end carefully. I will discuss all the important things in this blog for ranking on the top of Google. Let’s understand the google algorithms. Google keeps changing its algorithms to serve better results, so we need to follow the Google guidelines. 

Important things we need to take care while making a website:

1. The website structure should be proper so that your visitor can navigate your website easily.
2. Take care user journey of your website.
3. Never confuse your visitor on your website by adding unnecessary internal or external links. 
4. Keep authentic and high-quality content within the proper ratio.
5. Images and the CSS files should be optimized so that it will get open in a fraction of seconds. 
6. Use Schema markup to provide extra information to the crawler.
7. Most Important check the speed of your website on mobile and desktop.
8. Remove all the webmaster errors.
Above are the important things which you should consider for your website. After completing your website, you need to go for off-page work which consists of backlinks and content distribution.

Most Important part of off-page activities are:

1. Content Marketing
2. High DA PA Backlinks
3. Social Media Presence

One should Find out the niche-based high DA PA backlink resources from competitor analysis. Write high-quality content and distribute that content on various good platforms. Social media is also one of the best sources to enhance your reach in your audience. TechoWeb Experts is one of the best SEO Company in Noida, where you can get the best consultation for your business. We offer our SEO services across the world. 


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